Best Laser Hair Removal Langley uses light-based technology to damage and destroy unwanted hair. Dermatologists often recommend this noninvasive procedure to patients frustrated with the short hair-free window and routine discomfort that comes with shaving and waxing.

Most people need six or more treatment sessions for permanent hair reduction. Depending on your skin complexion and hair type, your hair may regrow at different rates.
Unlike shaving and waxing, laser hair removal permanently destroys the hair follicles, making it so that those pesky, unwanted hairs never grow back. And even when they do, they’re much thinner and lighter, so they’re not as noticeable. So if you’re tired of shaving and waxing, laser hair removal can be a great long-term solution.
During a laser treatment, your technician will apply a gel to protect the surface of the skin and then give the area a pulse of light. The light is so intense that it will heat the hair follicles and destroy them, but the surrounding skin is unharmed. This is why many people compare the feeling to a warm pinprick.
Once the treatment is over, your skin may feel a bit sensitive for a short while. But once the effects wear off, you’ll be able to go without shaving or waxing for months and possibly years!
Shaving and waxing are time-consuming, but they’re also expensive. Purchasing razors, depilatory creams, and waxing kits can add up over time, not to mention the amount of money you’ll spend on trips to your salon or spa. Laser Hair Removal is a much better option that can save you a lot of money in the long run.
You’ll also be able to save a lot of time that you’d normally have to spend shaving or scheduling waxing appointments. If you have a good number of sessions, and you maintain your results with annual touch-ups, you’ll be able to skip the shaving and waxing altogether.
During a session, you will need to shave beforehand so that the hair follicles have something to absorb the energy from the laser’s light. It’s important not to shave too close, however, as this can cause burns and scarring on the skin. You can also avoid tanning or using any products containing aloe vera or shea butter for a few days before your appointment.
Having laser hair removal can be life-changing, especially if you’re someone who has to spend time preparing for events that require you to wear clothing such as swimsuits. If you’ve ever been in the unfortunate position of having to cancel plans because you weren’t comfortable with your body hair, laser hair removal can make those embarrassing situations a thing of the past.
No More Irritation
Laser Hair Removal is a safe, effective way to remove unwanted hair from your body, leaving you with smooth skin. It also reduces the itching and irritation associated with waxing, shaving and plucking, while minimizing the risk of ingrown hairs, which can be painful. It also eliminates the need for depilation and saves time spent on grooming.
During a consultation, your laser specialist will take into account your medical history and skin type to help tailor the treatment to your needs. To get the best results, your skin should be free of makeup and other skincare products on the day of your appointment. You should also avoid tanning for at least 4-6 weeks before your treatment to reduce the risk of burns.
After the procedure, some people experience redness and skin irritation in the treated area. The irritation typically subsides within a few hours. If the irritation persists, you can apply ice to the affected area to minimize it. It is also important to wear sunscreen afterward and avoid sun exposure, as the sun’s rays can cause pigmentation changes.
If you’re worried about pain, your laser specialist will numb the affected area with a topical anesthetic. A small amount of pain is usually the only thing you’ll feel during a session. The discomfort is similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin or a pinprick. You may also smell a sulfurous odor, which is caused by the vaporization of the hair that is targeted by the laser.
Laser hair removal is permanent, meaning it won’t grow back. However, some hair follicles can develop new growth as you age or during hormonal fluctuations. Fortunately, these new hairs can be treated with another round of laser treatments.
You’ll need an average of four to six laser hair removal sessions, depending on the area you want treated and your unique skin type. Getting regular touch-ups is important to maintain your results and keep them looking great.
No More Ingrown Hairs
Laser Hair Removal is a treatment that permanently reduces unwanted hair. It is performed using a pulsed light laser system and it delivers a beam of energy that targets pigment in the hair follicles. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and inhibits future hair growth. The process requires a series of treatments to be effective, but you will see a significant reduction in hair over time.
Ingrown hairs form when the hair follicle becomes trapped beneath dead skin cells. This occurs after shaving, waxing, or plucking and it can cause irritation, redness, and itching. Ingrown hairs can also lead to infection if left untreated. Laser hair removal is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs and keep your skin smooth, clear and beautiful.
Many people suffer from ingrown hairs due to having naturally curly or coarse hair, or because of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis that create rough skin texture. Other factors that can cause ingrown hairs include hormonal imbalance, especially in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
When you use a laser for ingrown hair removal, the heat from the laser destroys the follicle and prevents it from growing new hair. You will not have any ingrown hairs after your laser session, and you may not need to treat ingrown hairs at all after your treatments.
There are some side effects associated with Laser Hair Removal, but they are usually minor and resolve quickly. After your treatment, you may experience some swelling and itching in the treated area, which can be relieved with ice packs or by taking an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. Some patients may also notice crusting or scabbing on the surface of the skin, which can be prevented by regularly applying aloe vera to the treatment area.
To prepare for your Laser Hair Removal session, avoid shaving and waxing for 6 weeks prior to your appointment. You should also avoid tanning and sun exposure during this time because the sun can make your skin more sensitive to light and increase your chances of complications after your treatment.
No More Scarring
Laser Hair Removal uses high-heat lasers that target the pigment and disable the hair follicle. The lasers also prevent the growth of new hair in the area. This procedure is safe for most skin types and is effective for treating hirsutism.
During the treatment, you might feel the sensation of a series of stings, and your practitioner might apply a cooling device to the area before using the laser to reduce discomfort. It is important to avoid waxing and plucking hairs before your session because this could cause the laser to miss the follicles you want treated.
Once the laser has destroyed the follicles, the body will naturally shed the hair over the course of several days or weeks. During this period, it may look like new growth is occurring. This is because weakened follicles are shedding, which can give the impression of hair growth. This is temporary and it will stop after a few sessions.
There is a risk of scarring after laser hair removal, but this is rare when the procedure is done by a qualified practitioner. People who are prone to scarring should treat the treated area as if it were sunburned, by keeping it moisturized and protected from sunlight. They should also report any signs of infection to a dermatologist.
The best way to minimize any side effects of laser hair removal is to use a quality moisturizer on the treated area. In addition, it is helpful to exfoliate the skin, which helps remove any dead skin cells that can clog pores. It is also important to avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area, because this can increase irritation and cause scabs or scars.
Many of our clients with eczema have found that by getting laser hair removal, it has helped to decrease the severity of their flare-ups. This is because shaving can contribute to flare-ups of eczema, and by reducing the frequency of their hair growth they are able to shave less often. In some cases, our clients have even stopped shaving altogether, and have found that their eczema has improved as a result.